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What we can and can’t help with

If you’re thinking of applying to us for financial assistance, here’s what we consider covering, and what we don’t cover.

What we cover

If you are thinking of applying to us, read this first before making an application.

We provide financial assistance with unexpected costs. We cannot cover ongoing financial difficulties or help if something has already been paid for.

This list is a general guide to the types of costs that we can consider covering. Every application is reviewed by our team and all individual circumstances are taken into consideration.

You may be entitled to help from other sources, eg benefits, Local Authority assistance or other charitable help.

Mother and son heating
General help

If your income has reduced or your costs have increased unexpectedly, we may help. The type of help we can give is food vouchers, with household bills and essentials such as fridges and cookers.

Priority debt 

We may help with priority debts such as rent or Council Tax arrears. We do not cover non-priority debts. See Types of debt for more information and links to other support we offer around debt management.

Independent living and mobility equipment

Where a professional recommendation has been made for adaptations or equipment and statutory funding isn’t available or doesn’t cover the full cost, we may be able to help.

Transitional help

We may help when a situation has arisen suddenly, such as travel costs for hospital visits or help with removals if you suddenly need to move.

Funeral expenses

We may cover funeral expenses where there is no estate, insurance cover, Social Fund or other help available, and as the next of kin you have to pay.

Advice or counselling

We work with specialist organisations which provide advice and counselling support. We may be able to help if you are struggling to pay for this.

Costs of caring

We may be able to cover the cost of assistive technology, such as personal alarms, door and bed sensors and GPS trackers.

Motability cars  

We could contribute towards an advanced deposit for a motability vehicle where an application for a Motability charitable grants has been made.

What we don't cover

Where you are having ongoing financial difficulties, we can offer our Money Advice Service for advice about budgeting.

Our financial assistance will not cover any of the following.

Man grocery shopping
Previously paid bills or purchases

We cannot cover anything you have already bought or bills you have paid even if you borrowed the money to do this. However, we may look at other bills that have arisen due to unexpected costs.

Clearing a non-priority debt

We cannot help with loans, credit cards, hire purchase or other consumer debts. Speak to one of our Money Advisers who can help you to manage your debts.

Rented properties home repairs / improvements

In rented properties, these are the responsibilities of the landlord. Shelter can advise on your rights and landlord responsibilities.

Owned properties Home repairs / improvements

In owned properties, we would expect repairs to be covered by insurance. We may consider essential repairs to meet the decent homes standard if they are unexpected. Repairs needed as a result of wear and tear are not unexpected and do not qualify for our help.

Advanced rent or deposit for a new property

If you need to move because of unexpected circumstances, we cannot help with the advanced rent and deposit needed for the new property. We will look to see if we can help in another way, e.g. removal costs.

Legal fees

We offer information about legal issues and terms on our Law Express app. We do not pay for legal fees or the cost of legal representation.

Salary problems

If you’re facing problems due to pay issues, for example non payment of salary or advance of
salary, we cannot help with this. You’ll need to talk to your workplace, line manager or paycentre.

Private medical treatment

We cannot pay for private medical treatment. This includes dental treatment and treatment for infertility.

Buying a home

We cannot help with any aspect of buying a house. If you buy a house that needs repairs, we will not help with these repairs.

Motor vehicles

We don’t help with the purchase of a car.

We only look at helping with car repairs in exceptional circumstances

Payment of fines

We cannot pay fines. If you’ve got a fine and cannot pay, our Money Advisers can provide advice and budgeting tips.

Repatriation of a person or deceased person

We can only consider helping once repatriation has taken place and the person or body is in the UK.

Education costs

We do not pay for private, further and higher education costs, including fees and equipment. Check with your school, college or university to see if they can help.

Loss of earnings because of strike action

We do not help with loss of earning because of strikes. Check with your union for help.

What you need to know before you apply

Am I eligible?

We support current former and retired civil servants and their dependants.

Savings limit

To be eligible for financial assistance, your savings or capital cannot exceed £6000. Here’s what this means.

How to apply

All your questions answered about the process of applying for support.

Got a question?

If you are not sure what you need or have question, contact us.

What to do in a crisis

Charity for Civil Servants is not a crisis support charity. If you are in an emergency situation, here are some organisations that can help.

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