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Contact us

We’re your charity. That means if you want to tell us something amazing, we’ll celebrate with you. If it’s something sad we’ll listen to you. Or if it’s to ask for help we’ll be here for you. Whatever it is, contact us.

General Enquiries

Freephone help number (option 1):
0800 056 2424
Open Monday to Friday, 10am – 3pm

help & advice

Freephone number (option 2):
0800 056 2424
Open Monday to Friday, 10am – 1pm

Our Address

Charity for Civil Servants,
5 Anne Boleyn’s Walk,
Cheam, Sutton,

How can we help you?

Making a new application for help
Technical support
High five
Fundraising or donations
Pen and paper
Open or completed applications
Something else?

Want a speaker for your event?

Charity for Civil Servants has a number of Introduction to your charity talks that are online, free and open access throughout the year. If you have an event with over 80 people attending, and would like to request a speaker from the Charity, then we’d love to talk to you.

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What to do in a crisis

Charity for Civil Servants is not a crisis support charity. If you are in an emergency situation with your finances, housing or food, here are some organisations which can help.

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