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A significant gift will help support civil servants for generations to come.

Why give to Charity for Civil Servants

We help civil servants through big life events and small daily stresses.

We were set up in 1886 as a benevolent society to support the widows and orphans of civil servants. We’ve grown and changed over the years and still have the same purpose to support civil servants. We’ve been here for generations, providing an umbrella of support when needed.

Happy Three Generations

Working with you

We’ll work closely with you to build a partnership based on your interests and values. In recognition of your generous support, we’ll provide:

A dedicated relationship manager

Your personal contact will tailor your experience. You decide how often you want to interact and how much you want to learn about our work.


We want to make sure you can see the impact you’re having. We’ll update you on the work we do so you can see how your generosity is making a difference.

Opportunities to hear from staff

Hear first-hand from staff and volunteers who are directly providing life changing help and support to civil servants when they need it most.

Invitations to exclusive events

Our exclusive briefings and events bring our mission to life. You’ll get the chance to network with fellow supporters and meet our expert teams.

High five.

Giving stocks and shares 

Giving shares is a tax-efficient way of making a donation combing relief on income and capital gains tax.

In the UK, share gifts qualify for tax relief equal to the market value of the shares on the day the gift is made, including associated costs such as broker fees. The tax relief can be claimed for the year in which the gift is made.

Example: making a gift to Charity for Civil Servants of £1,000 worth of shares, as a person who is a higher rate taxpayer, would reduce your income tax by up to £500 for the year. Additionally, you would not have to pay any Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on any increase in the value of the shares since they were bought. If the shares have gone down in value, however, it is not possible to use this loss to offset any other CGT liabilities.

Stock exchange screen

Leave a gift in your Will

Gifts to charity are exempt from Inheritance Tax (IHT) in the UK. The government provides a further incentive when you leave 10% or more of your net estate to charity.

Gift Aid for higher rate taxpayers 

Gift Aid is a UK government scheme that enables charities to claim tax relief on donations from UK taxpayers. For every £1 a UK taxpayer donates, 25p in reclaimed tax is added. This means that a £1000 gift with Gift Aid is worth £1250 to us.

If you pay tax above the basic rate, you can claim the difference between the rate you pay and basic rate on your donation. It’s the same if you live in Scotland. Do this either:

  • through your Self Assessment tax return
  • by asking HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to amend your tax code.

Example: you donate £1000 to a charity. They claim Gift Aid to make your donation worth £1250. If you pay tax at 40%, you can personally claim 20% back (£250). If you pay tax at 45%, you can claim 25% (£312.50).

Gift Aid Logo

Get in touch

If you’d like to find out more about making a significant gift towards our work please contact Hannah Morris. She’ll be happy to talk with you about where you can make the biggest difference.

Lee’s story
The Charity has given carers within the Civil Service a voice of their own.
Lee's Story

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