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Purple Umbrella

Our impact

We are proud to support civil servants when times are tough. We listen without judgement and offer practical, financial and emotional support.

We support current, former and retired civil servants when they face tough times.  From mental health struggles and financial assistance to relationship issues, getting through grief, and coping with disability, we’re here to help people stay strong, whatever life brings. We’ve been here for civil servants for generations, providing an umbrella of support when it’s needed.

We were set up in 1886 as a benevolent society to support the widows and orphans of civil servants. We’ve grown and changed over the years and still have the same purpose to support civil servants.


Who we help

We are the occupational charity for more than 1.5 million current and former civil servants (plus their financial dependants).

We support anyone who is currently working in the Civil Service as well as those who have left or retired.

Over the years we have developed our support so we can respond to the needs of our community. We don’t just give financial help but give information, advice and access to a variety of services.

Callcentre woman

Our impact in 2023

In 2023, we helped civil servants 73,132 times. Every 13 minutes someone asked us for help and we responded to 4,867 individual cases.

“Behind every stat is a real person, a real family and a real story and that’s why I want to support my Civil Service community.” Graham, Home Office

Impact Report 2023

You can find copies of our older Annual Report and Accounts via the Charity Commission website.

Lee’s story
The Charity has given carers within the Civil Service a voice of their own.
Lee's Story

Related pages

High five
Our people

Meet our trustees and directors who help to shape the Charity.

Walking stick character
Work for us

Check out our vacancies to see if there is a role for you.

Support us

Make a life-changing difference to a civil servant when they most need it. Fundraise, donate or volunteer your time.

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