Workplace support for women experiencing menopause symptoms.
Menopause is not a new issue but one that can silently affect women in the workplace. Stigma remains and it can be a difficult topic to discuss with colleagues and managers.
But things are changing.
The Cross-Government Menopause Network has been set up to break the menopause taboo in the Civil Service.
And the Civil Service has signed the Menopause Workplace Pledge.

Menopause in the workplace
60-minute video hosted by the Menopause Cross Government Network about mental health and menopause. The panel share their own experiences of menopause and the support they have received from their departments.
Can’t see the video? Watch on Vimeo.

Toolkits and guidelines
Civil Service HR documents with information and support for employees. These are useful reads for anyone directly or indirectly affected by the menopause.

Useful Links
How we can help and support you
How to speak to your manager if your condition is impacting your performance at work.
Mindfulness resources and courses to help manage your general wellbeing and specific health conditions.
Related pages

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