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Stress test
Take our simple test to measure your stress levels
This simple test has been designed to help you measure your stress levels.
How we react to stress varies from person to person. These questions are intended to help you think about your current situation and how this may relate to your wellbeing.
The test is automated and your results are completely confidential to you.
The recommendations given are not intended to be medical advice. However, the outcomes may guide you in managing your stress levels and include some helpful support as well as access to our partner organisations.
If you feel you need help urgently, please visit your doctor. Get
detailed information
about accessing emergency services from the NHS. Alternatively, click for services in
Northern Ireland
1. Do you have trouble sleeping?
Do you have trouble sleeping?
Almost never
Very often
Did you know…?
There are many reasons why we may not sleep well but good sleep is vital to good physical and mental health and wellbeing. Good sleep doesn’t mean lots of sleep, it means the right kind of sleep. Changing your sleep habits can help with sleep problems and insomnia.
If you’re having problems, download the Charity for Civil Servants and Mental Health Foundation guide on
‘How to Sleep Better’ (PDF)
If this doesn’t help speak to your GP.
2. Do you get irritable with others?
Do you get irritable with others?
Almost never
Very often
Did you know…?
Stress affects us in a number of ways, both physically and emotionally, and in varying intensities.
If you find you are often irritable with others, this may be a sign that you are not managing your stress.
Download download the Charity for Civil Servants and Mental Health Foundation guide on
‘How to Manage and Reduce Stress’ (PDF)
3. Do you feel you have a lack of control in your life/work?
Do you feel you have a lack of control in your life/work?
Almost never
Very often
Did you know…?
All sorts of situations can cause stress. The most common involve work, money matters and relationships with partners, children or other family members.
If you often feel that you seem to have no control over these elements of your life, this can be a key cause of stress.
Visit our
Wellbeing at Work page
for ways to help you support your wellbeing as you work.
4. Do you feel isolated from others?
Do you feel isolated from others?
Almost never
Very often
Did you know…?
Talking about your feelings can help you stay in good mental health and deal with times when you feel troubled.
A good support network can be key to managing everyday stresses, and feeling isolated can both be a cause and effect of stress.
Watch the
Understanding Loneliness webinar
from the Marmalade Trust to get a better understanding of the impact loneliness can have and what we can do to support ourselves as well as others.
5. Do you over eat or under eat?
Do you over eat or under eat?
Almost never
Very often
Did you know…?
People react differently to stress. Some common symptoms of stress include: sleeping problems, sweating, or a change in appetite.
If your eating habits have noticeably changed in a short period of time, it could be a good indication that your stress levels have risen.
Watch the video on
‘Lifting the Lid on Eating Disorders’
from the Civil Service Eating Disorder Network and get a thorough overview of what eating disorders are as well hearing from civil servants about their personal experiences of suffering from an eating disorder. The Civil Service Eating Disorders Network explain how they support all civil servants with their online resources and support groups.
Download the
Thrive App
for further support and guidance on a range of wellbeing topics including the link between food and your mental health.
6. Do you suffer a lack of concentration?
Do you suffer a lack of concentration?
Almost never
Very often
Did you know…?
When you are stressed you may experience many different feelings, including anxiety, irritability or low self-esteem, which can lead you to become withdrawn, indecisive or unfocused.
You may have found recently that your productivity has noticeably gone down – in which case, it is important to consider the reasons for this and if they need acting on.
Download useful resources from the
Charity for Civil Servants Wellbeing Hub
Watch the
self-confidence webinar
from Don’t Tone Alone and explore how to build, maintain and exploit the benefits and effects of self-confidence.
7. Do you feel overwhelmed?
Do you feel overwhelmed?
Almost never
Very often
Did you know…?
The pressure of an increasingly demanding work culture in the UK is one of the biggest contributors to stress among the general population.
The human costs of unmanaged work related stress is extensive. Feeling unhappy about the amount of time you spend at work and neglecting other aspects of life because of work may increase your vulnerability to stress.
Download useful resources from the
Charity for Civil Servants Wellbeing Hub
Download the
Thrive Wellbeing App
for 24/7 wellbeing support.
8. Do you get to relax?
Do you get to relax?
Almost never
Very often
Did you know…?
Increased levels of stress can, if not addressed early enough, lead to burn-out or more severe mental health problems. Relaxation is important.
Mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, are thought to be the leading cause of work absences, accounting for up to 40% of sickness leave, and not managing stress can be a root cause of this.
Feeling burnt out? Access help from the Charity for Civil Servants
Burnout webpage
Download the
Thrive Wellbeing App
and access digital CBT support.
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