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People we've helped in 2023

You helped civil servants 73,132 times in 2023

Thanks to you, civil servants never have to cope alone.

A heartfelt thank you from our CEO, Graham

“I want to say a personal thank you to everyone who has helped Charity for Civil Servants to support civil servants in need. Without the generosity of people like you across our Civil Service community, Charity for Civil Servants simply wouldn’t be able to provide such crucial help to civil servants going through tough times.

As Chief Executive of the Charity, it’s my privilege to hear about the difference kindness like yours makes every day. I will never forget a call which came in a while ago from a civil servant called Chris. Chris had a serious, long-term health condition and had just been told her illness would lead to increasing disability. She was extremely distressed about how she would cope and the effect on her employment. However, in just ten minutes, a calm and understanding conversation with Jo, a member of our Help Team, reassured her that she would not face this dreadful challenge alone. I’ll always remember what she said as she hung up:

“Thank you so much. I know I don’t need you to help me now,
but it’s so wonderfully reassuring for me to hear
that you’ll be there when I do.”

That vital conversation wouldn’t have happened without your generosity. Just like Jo, you are there, providing a lifeline for civil servants every day. In 2023, you helped civil servants 73,132 times. I wanted you to hear from some of the civil servants you’ve helped in their own words.”

Graham Hooper

Here's how you helped in 2023

4,867 individual cases responded to in 2023
1 in 3 cases in 2023 related to financial hardship
1 in 10 cases in 2023 involved bereavement
8% cases in 2023 were related to poor wellbeing
Every 13 minutes someone asked us for help in 2023
£6.69 million spent on support for the Civil Service community in 2023

Civil servant Graham, told us

Having our own charity really does make a difference. Behind every stat is a real person, a real family and a real story and that’s why I want to support my Civil Service community.

(Graham, Home Office)

Hear from the people you’ve helped

David's story

When David was diagnosed with a painful degenerative condition, it made his active job increasingly difficult.

“I was told that I would eventually be unable to walk and that felt like a punch in the face.”

David and his wife, who is also a civil servant, reached out to the Charity and we listened. We looked at the whole picture and found that we were able to provide financial support in addition to caring advice for David, enabling the family to live happier, more fulfilling lives.

“It gave us the headspace we were looking for. We were blown away by the whole thing.”

David is now a volunteer for the Charity. He does all he can to remind people that they’re not alone.

“When someone is going through a tough time and you show them there’s light at the end of the tunnel, you really feel like you’ve done something for someone … It’s about real community spirit.”*

David (HMRC)

*Some elements of this story have been anonymised or changed to protect the person’s identity

David's story

thank you for making a difference

Connie's story

Connie went through a dark time when a relationship breakdown led to financial problems and homelessness. Forced to sofa surf with different family and friends, Connie ended up having a breakdown and needed to take time off work. Connie gave us a call. We listened and provided financial support in her time of need.

“The people in the Help Team made me feel like a person again. Not a failure, not someone to be judged, just a person … that was mind-blowing at the time.”

The financial support meant that Connie and her kids could finally move into a home they could call their own.

“Donations to this Charity are like ripples in a pond, they go far and wide. You can be a stone in the water and impact so many people’s lives. These are real lives we’re talking about, lives like mine and my children.”

Connie (Department for Education)

Connie's story

Together, we can help our community through these challenging times

Times are particularly tough for so many people in our Civil Service community at the moment and we want to do everything we can to support civil servants who need our help.

However, our income has declined in recent years and more than half of the money the Charity spent last year on providing help for civil servants came from the Charity’s financial reserves. This can’t be sustained and we urgently need to raise more money from donations to ensure that the Charity can continue to be there for civil servants when they need help most.

If you’re able to make a donation today to help more civil servants like David and Connie, the impact will be life-changing.

A gift of £25 could pay towards travel costs to visit a family member in hospital.

Fantastic fundraisers

A huge thank you to everyone who raised money for civil servants going through tough times in 2023. From taking part in the Mega Miles Challenge or Festive Jumper Day, to hosting bake sales or even skydiving, you made a life-changing difference to someone when they needed it most.

Nathan (HMRC)

Nathan couldn’t take part in Mega Miles Challenge 2023 so he organised his own walk with colleagues over four weeks in September and October. Covering almost 1,000 miles, the group raised nearly £1k!

Nathan HMRC's Mega Miles Challenge fundraiser

Brenda (MOJ)

Brenda has been organising a Snack Box initiative for many years, with all proceeds going to the Charity. She raised an amazing total of £1,648 in 2023!

Brenda said “We are glad to help out the Charity especially in these difficult times … Most of my colleagues and staff who work at CNBC all have contributed by purchasing items from the Snack Box.”


Ruth (HMRC)

Ruth organised a Festive Jumper Day at her workplace with her colleagues at Unity Square Nottingham BEC Team, HMRC. Thank you Ruth!

Ruth told us “My regional centre in Nottingham was more than happy to support fundraising for Charity for Civil Servants as we all agree it is a vital charity that helps and supports us all.”

Ruth (HMRC) Festive Jumper Day 2023

Other highlights in 2023

Civil Service Live 2023
Civil Service Live

Staff at the Charity had a fantastic time meeting civil servants at Civil Service Live 2023 and learning more about what community means to you.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference 2023
Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference

7,454 of you joined us for our Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference in 2023, hosted in partnership with Government People Group.

Meet our chair, Peter Schofield

Peter Schofield became Permanent Secretary at the Department for Work and Pensions in January 2018, following roles at the Department for Communities and Local Government and HM Treasury. It’s this breadth of experience, as well as a strong commitment to public service, that Peter brings to his role as Chair for Charity for Civil Servants.

Having led the largest department in Government through the pandemic and being the Operational Delivery Profession lead across Government, Peter is keen to emphasise his support for colleagues across the Civil Service who he sees as unsung heroes. Alongside his strong professional experience, Peter is also acutely aware of how life can quickly change, following his diagnosis of Parkinson’s in April 2020 at the height of the first lockdown.

“I don’t want people, when they get a diagnosis like the one I’ve had, to have a sense that you can’t carry on doing a job. It is something you’ll have forever and it will get worse, but it can be managed.”

Peter’s experience underpins his strong belief in the need to provide support and a safety net to those who provide critical services for the public and Ministers.

Peter Schofield

Peter tells us

One of the many things we can take pride in as a Civil Service community is how we look after each other and how often our colleagues become friends and sources of support. Charity for Civil Servants is our charity, it is there for everyone. I would encourage all civil servants to find out more about the umbrella of support it can provide and to help make sure those services can continue to be provided through donations, fundraising and driving awareness. Thank you.

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